Why Fall Is The Perfect Time to Turn Over a New Leaf

The "Crown Pouch" from the new HSFT gift line.  


At HAVE SOME FUN TODAY, we are all about catching the vibe of something new. Changing, growing, climbing the mountain of life and being open to what the universe brings us is all part of how we HSFT

HSFT is growing and changing, too. We've expanded our vision to include a new gift line and are cooking up new ideas every day. When we make space for new ideas, we open the door to new opportunities. 

Life Lessons From an Acorn

Last minute invite to to London for the weekend? Yes! A new job in New York City? Yes! Take a chance and say yes to new possibilities; that's the HSFT philosophy. An acorn holds a single seed and when it falls to the ground, it has the power to become a tree. That's some serious potential! What do we have the power to do when we let go?

Let's Get Deep Over a Falling Leaf 

Leaves begin to fall, air is cool and crisp, and autumn is the perfect time for self reflection. It's kind of like the New Year's resolutions you made with that glass of bubbly in your hand back in January, except it kinda makes more sense in September. What's happening outside directly correlates to us inside, even if we don't know it. It's a time to let go, move away from the excesses of summer and move inward. 

The earth around us is prepping for winter and storing energy new growth in spring. What if we took a cue from Mother Nature and looked at our lives like that? Thinking of taking that class to learn something new? Have some health and fitness goals for your body? As the season slows down and gives pause to winter, we too can catch a breath, put away the sunscreen and beach towels and reflect on what's next. All that from fall foliage. 

So now what? 

Okay, so leaves are piling up and it's getting colder, what are we supposed to do with that?

Cultivate moving inward and see what you are capable of! Take a yoga or meditation class, meet with a friend weekly for coffee and talk about your goals, keep a journal and write down goals for yourself and things you want to accomplish. Giving ourselves a time and a place with a little quiet and our own thoughts can be powerful. You can conquer the world if you want to, the only question is, which world?

HAVE SOME FUN TODAY was founded on the very principles of honoring life, taking a chance and living life to the fullest. Yeah, we make fabulous t-shirts, chic accessories, and just launched a beautiful new gift line, (have you seen the new gift line?) but what we're really selling is a philosophy and way of life that we hope spreads like wildfire. Live. Love. Wear. Share. It's way more than t-shirts. Peace, love and acorns. 






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