Inspiring Women - Miss World America 2016 - Audra Mari



This is Audra Mari. She is a beautiful, picture-perfect paradox. As the current crown-holder of "Miss World America 2016", she'll be competing in the international pageant Miss World in December, but she grew up competing on a very different stage. More like an ice rink, field or a gym floor. In Fargo, North Dakota, Audra played ice hockey, soccer, volleyball, and ran track. It's clear she likes a good challenge. "I love how far I have to push myself when I’m preparing for a pageant," she says. "Physically and mentally I’m putting myself in situations that I wouldn’t partake in if it weren’t for pageantry."

She didn't enter her first pageant until 2011 at 16-years-old. She won and she was hooked. "Anything that can offer personal and professional growth in my opinion is a no brainer!" She's since had great success competing in pageants and is now gearing up for the Miss World in Washington, D.C. She illuminates positivity and gratitude and she certainly knows how to have some FUN every day. Says Mara, "Ahhhh! I’m so excited and honored to be included in Have Some Fun Today’s “Inspiring Women’s series. I’ve followed this company for years now and stand for everything they’re about, everything they love, and everything they believe."

What is your personal mantra or mission statement?

I really believe it is important to remember, consciously -every single morning, to "Believe And Act As If It Were Impossible To Fail". So many times in my life, I’ve failed. But more times than not, I’ve persevered and learned something along the way, if I just believe in myself.

What inspires you? 

There are infinite people in my life who motivate and inspire me. Someone that I look up to immensely is my sister. She is an occupational therapist in my hometown of Fargo, North Dakota and is married to a wonderful man. She lives a very different life than me but she is always there to listen, always there to give advice, and she keeps me in check when my adventurous soul steps in a bit too much!

What do you value most in life?

I value my family most in life. My family is my world and brings so much light into my life. I am eternally grateful for them.

Do you use any daily disciplines or practices to energize you? 

I’m a firm believer in journaling, meditating, and working out on a daily basis to energize me. I love my mood board, I love to surround myself with like-minded inspiring people, and I truly just live my life from my heart, every day, every hour. Because life is too short to not.

What is one piece of advice or words of inspiration you live by?

Some important words that I live by… Hmmm… There are so many!! I’ll share with everyone my three favorites. “Be Silly, Be Honest, Be Kind.” “You don’t need a reason to help people.” Lastly, “They told me I couldn’t. That’s why I did.”

What helps you Have Some Fun Today - each and every day?

“Have Some Fun Today” honestly wraps all of life’s little magical pieces into four words. Why do we do what we do? To have more FUN. We want a promotion at work to make more money, to have MORE fun. We travel to have FUN. We give back so others can have FUN. Life is about FUN. Let’s all Have Some Fun Today!!!!!


You can follow Audra Mari and her journey to the Miss World pageant in D.C. on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook @audramari.






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