How You Inspire Us: The HSFT Community Always Has Room For More


You Like Us, You Really Like Us!

HAVE SOME FUN TODAY - It started with four words on a t-shirt; words that were said by a late father to his family. What happened on the way to creating a legacy of a father's love was the birth of a grassroots brand. A company with soul. Along our journey to making cool tees, luxe totes and amazing gifts, we discovered a community of people who "get it". You got it! You got the vibe and the essence of Have Some Fun Today.

Your Daily Pep Talk 

Those four words are so much more than our cool t-shirts. It's now become a mindset. A philosophy, a little slip of paper in the fortune cookie of life. HAVE SOME FUN TODAY. It's a call to action to make your life FUN, even in the most mundane or challenging of moments. It's a reminder to push yourself outside of the "the box" and see something you've never seen before. It's the simplest of things but the impact is profound. The Law of Attraction is pretty basic. You get what you give. Why not try putting positivity and possibility and FUN into your world today? Why not Have Some Fun Today?

It's All How You Look At It

Not long ago in our studio, from a brainstorming sessions about HSFT, our founder Stephanie Taormina came up with a simple phrase that encapsulates perfectly what this is all about. A Brand With Soul. She couldn't possibly know that a vision of a painting would turn into all this two years later. But this is a brand with depth and connection. We're interested in changing the way we look at life, not just selling a t-shirt. We're pushing a mindset. And that doesn't cost a thing. 

It's All About You

Yeah, we make great t-shirts, totes, and gifts emblazoned with those four words, but it's become so much more. You've joined us on our path. You've shared your HSFT stories, your experiences and why you love the brand so much. You have become part of us and that is truly inspiring.

As we grow and expand the business, so too, does our community. More amazing people are becoming part of our Collective Inspiration. We want everyone to be part of that. Our Community is a beautiful patchwork quilt of all these HSFT people, like you, and experiences that are re-defining what we are everyday. You could say it's taken on a life and breath of it's own.

There's Always Room For More

We love what our HSFT  Community has become. Haven't jumped in yet? Know someone that should? Share The Vibe. It's simple, really. Be Adventurous. Smile More. Be Grateful. Be Confident. Spread Happiness. Have. Some. Fun. Today. You can buy our luxe t-shirts, cool trucker hats other HSFT gear, but the magic of HSFT is that that it's free. #SharingHSFT




Written by HSFT writer and blogger Rebecca Doubek who believes in the Law of Attraction....




