Legacy of Love - Have Some Fun Today


   A Father's Day dedication to a great man, my dad Joe Rado.

   I believe that everything happens for a reason and that even when people are no longer here they are still teaching and influencing us from that other dimension. My dad had to be my dad. He was the most positive and loving man I have ever known. And even though he is gone, I still feel his lessons; his positive spirit that anything is possible. He kept things simple, family, friends, love and always integrity. And he ended every encounter with the words: Have Some Fun Today.

    I wrote that post two years ago and now 6 years past his leaving us, the man who inspired me to create this brand so that the world could have reminders to Have Some Fun Today is loved more now in his absence than ever before; if that is even possible:)

   As we honor our fathers, the men who stood for us as: protectors, teachers, coaches and providers, let us also be conscious of those fathers who also inspired us through their legacy of love. As a man who diligently shared a mantra that made people smile and took many people off guard with this simplistic message, my dad would certainly say bravo to what Have Some Fun Today has become and where it is going.

    The times we face right now are certainly challenging. It is a time when we may need to dig deeper in exploring what strengths we have that need to be tested and put to work. A good friend recently shared the thought that whenever we have maximized what we have been given, we will always be blessed with more. God didn't make chairs but he did make trees and it is up to us to be resourceful with what he has given us to make the most of it for the future of ourselves and mankind. It's in our DNA to be resourceful. 

  Now is a time to reconnect with the source. Dig deep to find our strength. Look for inspiration in every nook and cranny and embrace the good things in life. As a reminder to the beauty of life, fathers who embraced their duty to protect, lead and inspire I share my brand dedicated to the legacy of love that my father started and my family and I are nurturing.

   Throughout this year I am sharing through my blogs a discount code: 2020 to my readers to receive 25% off Have Some Fun Today so that you can participate in this experiment of love and feel the good vibes of our brand message originated from my dad to you.

A very happy Father's Day to everyone......:)


       "Have Some Fun Today." - Joe Rado

      Love & Light,


#Fathersday #2020 #covid19 #fatherslegacy #joerado #stephaniertadotaormina #founder #havesomefuntoday #hsft #lifestylebrand #accessorybrand #QVC #Phillystyle

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1 commento

Thats one Awesome Dedication!!
He is smiling down upon you!!

Joe Bolick

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