The new "NEW" Normal- #HSFT

Here's the real opportunity: create a NEW normal that is better than anything we have ever seen. 

As we are faced with social upheaval on every level, we have a unique opportunity to branch out and throw away what has not been serving us as a whole, and reprogram our daily experience with what does serve our changing world. 

This is not only an American issue, this is a Global issue. To begin to do this, we need to take a look at our own lives and re-evaluate what is no longer serving us to live our best life. After all, we have nothing to lose as we have already lost so much.

It is a great time to still have those igniting talks with our children, friends, family and co-workers. To simplify our lives into categories and then decide how we can integrate it all together to be better educated on global & local issues, how we can also be healthier, so that we aren't so vulnerable as a society to health concerns. How we go about our days with earning a living and caring for ourselves, our children and the elderly - maybe going to an office rain or shine, in sickness and in health isn't the best way anymore?

Even where this social phenomenon of 2020 has impacted my personal life as a female entrepreneur in the lifestyle sector has given me pause on what I make, what I say and how I integrate my work, my duties as a mom & daughter and how that reflects my joy and hope for the future. 

I have changed a lot over the past 8 months in terms of how I am seeing the world and what my place is in it. There are times when it gets me feeling down and instead of brushing it off I deal with it. I feel it, I cry, I withdraw. But, then a new morning comes and I feel empowered to use my voice as a designer, a creator, a woman, a mom, an American and so much more to realize that this is an opportunity to learn and evolve.

Our lives have many facets, and even though life hands us some unbelieveable challenges, we truly do have the opportunity to work through them to unexpected & better outcomes. As the designer and founder of Have Some Fun Today, the legacy brand I started 6 years ago, I have decided to move my brand even more towards being a global participant in making the world a better place. 

We understand our mission is to celebrate life, celebrate diversity, celebrate our planet and to do that is to tackle some of the big issues we face today. All we can each do is try. Try to be better, try to accept our challenges with grit and integrity. Try to do our part to extend some optimism to others, wherever we can.

Help us succeed by supporting our brand, join our email list, engage in our social media platforms and what we will give back to you is positive inspiration, quality products that are accessible, uplifting & will be using more recycled and ecofriendly materials made in factories that care about their employees. We will donate to your charitable causes and we will do our part to be the brand with soul.

As always in my monthly blog I am offering a discount code to help you HSFT:)

Try a Tote Bag, a hat, or gift our Gift Box to someone you haven't been able to visit because of Covid. How nice would it be to receive a beautiful black box filled with a nice selection of HSFT gifts such as: the mug, a keychain, a pack of our embossed crown notecards and more... these are all simple little ways to make the world a friendlier and better place:)

Use the code: 2020 and get 25% off your order right now....:)


 "Have Some Fun Today." - Joe Rado

      Love & Light,


#globalcitizen #ecofriendly #sustainability #brandwithsoul #femaleentrepreneur #mission #savethechildren #charitablecauses #2020 #covid #Socialmedia #facebook #havesomefuntoday #accessories #education #health 


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1 commentaire

Diversity brings more perspectives into the fold. Embracing it in society is important and it allows to grow. Meaningful and thoughtful words of purpose from a brand leader. #HSFT

Jenny Sowry

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