Inspiring Women - HSFT Founder Stephanie Taormina

Stephanie Rado Taormina is a visionary. She founded her lifestyle and fashion brand Have Some Fun Today in 2015, inspired by four little words her late father always used to say. These words are a guiding force, a philosophy she lives by, and a way she honors the father who taught her and her siblings to find the FUN and see magic in the world every day. An artist, interior designer and entrepreneur, her unique vision for creating something beautiful and interesting is at the hallmark of all her projects. Whether she's got a paintbrush and canvas in front of her or a sketchbook she's filling with new ideas for HSFT, her creativity keeps her moving. As does being mom to two daughters. With a brand new HSFT gift line launching this week, she's busier than ever, but took some time to talk about with her inspirations and what's next for HSFT. 

What is your personal mantra or Mission Statement?

Move from your heart and give your best to every endeavor, but be mindful to stay balanced in work, rest and play.   

What inspires you?

Everything… life in general. Nature, music, art, fashion, relationships, conversations. And my quiet time to think, dream and plan.

What do you value most in life?

My health, my family, and my ability to create beauty in the world.

Do you use any disciplines or practices to energize you?

Yes, I do. I do several types of meditation. I have a very health conscious mindset, including a macrobiotic diet and working with a trainer twice a week. I do daily stretching and yoga, drink lots of water and get a good nights sleep. Plus, I think that being conscious of balance in your life actually creates balance in your life, so that you have space available to have fun and accomplish a lot.

What is one piece of advice or words of inspiration you live by?

When you move from your heart everything falls into place. Nothing is given to you, so you have to do the work to reap the benefits.

What's next for you and for Have Some Fun Today? 

I am thinking about more educational opportunities. A woman's forum on leadership, support groups to inspire youth, just taking the HSFT philosophy out in the community in an even more tangible and powerful way. 

What helps you Have Some Fun today, each and every day?

Staying balanced and believing that the universe has a plan for me so that I can enjoy the good times and can ride the wave through the harder times… There is always some fun to be had in a day even if it is just some laughter with a friend. 

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