Expand or Stay Small - Up to You :)


Many years ago when I was just starting with Facebook I heard about this other new App where you could share cool photo's on a digital platform. Me, having been an art student and long time photography lover since the early 80's was so stoked to be able to make art on my phone and share it to this cool new App called Instagram.

   That is now over 10 years ago and although I have enjoyed the many different phases I have gone through with my love for being able to make art so randomly and easily, I have come to see it in a new light. 

   To scroll through a feed and see images of women who are doing powerful things in business, fashion, wellness, spirituality; as well as seeing men too who are sharing their ideas about health, relationships, design & food is actually a very helpful tool in the practice of manifestation.

 What you may not realize is that when you are scrolling your instagram, your brain is subconsciously recording these images and other information. How you view the girl with the beautiful wardrobe and the perfect job you would love to have is actually a great expander for you if you choose to look at it that way.

 You see, the way we exist in our daily lives is all we really know. Yes, we can travel to experience more (well not so much now...) we can also watch movies and see people doing cool things that we too would love to do, we can read articles and books to expand our horizons, but now we can also use social media to expand what else is possible for us if we can learn to use it that way.

 One of the techniques I have learned in the past year when I am feeling stuck in a rut on a subject is to cruise my instagram and look for expanders. Which simply means looking for other people who have been successful with whatever it is I am looking to do. 

 Grow your business: Masterclass has helped tremendously with this... and I learned about that on my social media. To hear Diane Von Furstenberg talk about how she had her first meeting with Diana Vreeland at 23 is incredibly inspiring to me, or to listen to Sara Blakely talk about how she grew her Spanx business and what the tools were that helped her. So Amazing to hear! And so I follow these people and I expand my world by expanding my subconscious through seeing and reading about what they have done.

 Live a healthier life: googling the most successful female entrepreneurs of the past 10 years and voila I came across Taryn Toomey who founded The Class in NYC. I started to follow her on IG and now I am doing The Class on demand whenever I want to.

 Whatever you want to achieve someone somewhere is doing something like it and you can find out about them and how they did it. What worked for them and what didn't. Get the idea?

  It doesn't matter if you are 16 or 60... if you have a hunger for learner more, being more, being anything for that matter the power is in you. There is a way to figure anything out if you are hungry enough for it. 

 Here are some starting points if this sounds interesting to you:

1. Think about some of the things you want to manifest.

2. Once you are there with this list I recommend looking at what you allow into   your feed. Is it positive? Is it inspiring? Start to create a feed that consists of accounts that can be expanders for you.

3. Ditch the negative commentary on the girl with the perfect job and the great apartment by looking at her instead as an expander. When you see people doing cool interesting things in this way they actually WILL BECOME expanders. When you look at it negatively, you are actually shutting yourself off from accomplishing these things and you are just keeping yourself small.

4. Notice what interests you and search for expanders in these areas, it will blossom into manifesting situations that will start to show you a true direction.

5. Check out the IG page for To Be Magnetic - follow her and also consider joining the community to do the online workshops on manifesting the life you desire.

6. Be realistic and patient. When we look for expanders we aren't going to have overnight success and have a completely a different life with just a few adds of an Instagram account. These are just some tools for showing your subconscious what can be possible. What does it look like; let me learn more how that came to be. It is in the process of self love, self understanding and self change that we have the actual power to transform our lives.

Even the things we choose to align with are hugely important. My work at Have Some Fun Today is my work in progress and I look for expanders everyday as a designer, a woman, a mom, an entrepreneur and a voice of a modern woman who feels the need to be present in these changing times and I want to be part of that culture of change.

In life you have two choices: expand or stay small... you decide and if you are choosing to be open to the concept of expansion know that our brand is here to support that. One of my purposes I have come to realize is to share this message  loud, clear and consistently: Have Some Fun Today!  

Use the code: 2020 and get 25% off your order right now....:)


 "Have Some Fun Today." - Joe Rado

      Love & Light,


#theclass #taryntoomey #tobemagnetic #dianevonfurstenberg #sarablakely #masterclass #inspiringwomen #femaleentrepreneurs #instagram #facebook #havesomefuntoday #expanders #manifesting #2020 #spanx # Dianavreeland

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2 commentaires

Your words of wisdom and love for your journey in life has inspired me to follow my passions recreating and rebranding myself to think out of the box and put my love for educating and embracing our ever changing environment along with living a clean lifestyle through several forms of social media and lecturing ….I’m in the midst of sharing my knowledge to businesses about how to create a shift for optimal performance in the workplace and home….My journey started when you had a blog about empowered women….I found my voice riding horses to find that inner voice of empowerment…..Thank you, Steph, for sharing my journey in your blog …❤️

Leslie Dowling

Your words of wisdom and love for your journey in life has inspired me to follow my passions recreating and rebranding myself to think out of the box and put my love for educating and embracing our ever changing environment along with living a clean lifestyle through several forms of social media and lecturing ….I’m in the midst of sharing my knowledge to businesses about how to create a shift for optimal performance in the workplace and home….My journey started when you had a blog about empowered women….I found my voice riding horses to find that inner voice of empowerment…..Thank you, Steph, for sharing my journey in your blog …❤️

Leslie Dowling

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