Life Isn't Always HSFT - How to Evolve Through the Chaos:)

    I feel like we just lived an extra two years of madness crammed into the last 6 months - right? Well it has felt like that to me:)

    As I have been thinking about this months blog and all the topics fresh in my mind that I have been dealing with, I'm going to start with what my dad was thinking when he began saying "Have Some Fun Today". I know he was juggling a lot: a big family, lots of bills to pay, running a midsize company that he started from scratch with two manufacturing facilities and over 100 employees, several major health issues and his love of having a balance of work and play. Basically a full and complex life like many of us have. Somewhere out of that, this kind, outgoing guy that could sell ice to a Eskimo started to say "Have Some Fun Today." Now I get it more than ever.....

  And to be honest I have had my share of moments where I had to dig deep to find my sunshine. This is what I do for a living right? How can I feel so worn out emotionally and mentally that I can't be authentic in my job of sharing how to HSFT? It happens to the best of us. I have cried more in the past 6 months than I had in the past several years. Cried for the world, cried for those who have lost loved ones, cried for people who have been isolated and depressed, cried for the lack of compassion and leadership our world so desperately needs and when I was done crying I became grateful for my position and grateful to be a voice and a vessel for some happiness that others can feel and wear and share.

     Yes we have a lot to figure out and improve and Yes we aren't out of the woods yet, but these things are here and we either evolve and find ways to uplevel, fix some of these problems and enjoy life, or we don't.

     The past six months have awakened so many of us to the corruption of "the system". If we dwell in the media amongst the childishness of our politicians, and how this storm is whirling over us from so many angles, it is easy to fall prey to becoming depressed and anxious. I have felt this deeply and it has given me a new perspective. We all don't have to agree, but we should be able to respect our disagreements and still play in the sandbox together. That is how we progress as a nation.

    When all the racial riots were in full swing I received an email from a customer of my brand. It was in response to my email that Love is the Answer. While she was polite and well meaning, she wanted to let me know that while she didn't expect me to send out a racially apologetic marketing email addressing the issues at hand, she felt my Love is the Answer email was naive at best. 

    I welcomed the conversation and ansered her about my feelings regarding BLM from my heart (as I am a mother of 1 millenial and 1 Gen Z and we had many many conversations about it) so I was able to share my position with her that I have always had the utmost respect and have worked with and support Black artists, Black models , Black designers, Black photographers, Black customers and Black friends and truly believe that the most beautiful world is one where we respect all races equally. But what came out of my final comment in my conversation with her was that my purpose with my brand is to share something simple that lifts peoples spirits and reminds them whoever they are, whatever race, color, sex or political affiliation to enjoy your life - to Have Some Fun Today .

    She told me she didn't expect to hear a reponse to her email at all, especially from the founder, she thanked me and it felt good to  hear her, and for her to hear me and to give each other the mutual respect that everyone deserves. That is who we are. That is what this brand is about. That is my purpose. That is the brands purpose. We stand by that simplicity and honor the words : Have Some Fun Today.

    So for everyone of you who is reading this, don't forget to have a little fun today.... you never know what the future holds as we have clearly been shown. 

    Carry one of our tote bags, wear a baseball hat, try a graphic tee or send someone who needs a pick me up our new HSFT Gift Box. So many ways to lift your spirit, share a great vibe, feel empowered in caring for your own happiness or to bring some sunshine to someone else. Use the code: 2020 and get 25% off your order right now....:)


 "Have Some Fun Today." - Joe Rado

      Love & Light,


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1 Kommentar

Love your words. Love your personality. I have to be a planner at work but try and live with as much spontaneity with my time. PS I do have fun at work as we have to have a balance between getting the job done and having some fun. 😊🤗👏

Joseph fiorentino

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